The journal is thematically focused on publishing research with the aim of exploring and understanding various aspects of the media business in Russia and the world.
- The journal aims to publish research of practical importance for media industry practitioners, policymakers, consumers and other stakeholders in society.
- The journal publishes research that contributes to the theoretical development of the field of media business research, including at the intersection of disciplines such as advertising, communications, consumer behavior, economics, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, organizational behavior, organizational studies and strategy.
- The ways of interaction of digital media with the educational environment, educational organizations and educational culture are considered.
- Examines the changing nature of knowledge, learning and pedagogy in the digital age, and the production, consumption and creativity of digital media in educational contexts.
- Explores how digital media shape (and are shaped by) educational practices in local, national and global contexts; social, cultural, economic and political nature of educational media and technologies.
- How digital media interacts with issues of democracy, equality, social justice and the public good.
- Issues in the social sciences, communications, media studies, cultural studies, philosophy, history, and information and computer sciences are analyzed.
- The journal publishes materials that are based on quantitative (experiments, surveys, modeling, etc.) or qualitative (ethnographies, interviews, case studies, etc.) analysis.
The journal strives for a strict and careful selection of manuscripts, taking into account the specifics of the study, analysis of statistical or qualitative data.
The preferred language for scientific research is English.
In accordance with the definition of open access formulated at the Budapest Conference on Open Access, users of the journal are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, quote full-text articles of the journal, provide links to them without prior approval from the publisher or author of the material.